Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Birthday Girl

Well, folks, today is a red-letter day for me.  A landmark day.  A milestone.  It's a big birthday, one I've been dreading for, oh, a while.  I want to say first of all, however, that I am very grateful to have reached this age - there are many who haven't, and I am definitely blessed with my life and the wonderful people in it.  And no, you did not just see things, I did also say that I have been dreading it.  Let me 'splain.

I dread it only because it got here so VERY fast!  What the heck - didn't I just turn 20?  Aren't I still that magical age of 25?  No?  Really?!  How?  Surely not enough years have passed for that?  But when I look back on the last few years a LOT has happened.  I lived in a country where I hardly spoke the language and learned a lot about myself in doing so, I graduated from university, I had my first (proper) job, lived all by myself in a place where I knew no one, got married and had abrupt introduction to what the life of an Army wife is really like, made it through three deployments, re-adjusted to life as a civilian back in Ireland, had a beautiful baby girl.  I also lost a couple of people whom I loved very dearly.  There have certainly been highs and lows over last few years but the blessings and positives outweigh the negatives and for that I am very thankful.

Sitting her this morning and can honestly say that I am excited for this next decade.  People keep saying, "this is when life really begins".  Is that true?  I do know one thing - I'm more sure of myself and who I am at this age than I was ten years ago.  I am happier in my own skin than I was then.  I have the best partner I could ever ask for in life, a man who makes me strive to be better every single day and enriches my life in ways I'm sure he does not know.  A man I am very fortunate to call my best friend and my partner in crime :)  I have a daughter who has redefined the meaning of love for me, one who amazes me every single day and brings joy to anyone who meets her.  I have a family who love me, believe in me, whom I love and am so fortunate to be able to call my friends as well as my blood.  You can't choose your family but I'm so thankful that I was stuck with these guys :)

A week and a half ago my wonderful husband surprised me with a fantastic party with my family and friends.  The night made turning this land-mark age something to really celebrate and be excited about.  Thank you for that - it was a wonderful gift.  You all are the best.  {And I promise I'll post some photo's soon (being more organised is one of my goals for the new year and this new age!)}.

So this first day of a new chapter is an exciting one for me.  I'm happy, blessed and can't wait to see what the next few years have to bring.



  1. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day.

  2. Happy Birthday, Grace! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  3. Grace
    How can you be so old???? I have known you since day 1 and I have not had as many years (that I will admit to)!!! Seriously - I have seen you grow up from a child to the wonderful person you are today and I count myself very lucky to be a part of your life. We have seen each other through many good and some sad times. May God bless you and your lovely family. Love always. Helen (Courtney)
